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Linda has many years' of experience working with schools creating successful whole school processes and individual teachers and counsellors, learning to plan for and support student behaviour.

She would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners on whose land she works, the Wulgurukaba and Bindal peoples and pay her respects to their elders past, present and emerging.


Functional Behaviour Asessment face to face- "I loved participating in this course! I have learned so much but also learned to believe it is okay to question and make changes. I look forward to seeing your work published!"
"I have truly valued undergoing this training. Very relevant to my role. This course was well delivered and provided clear direction. Linda's approach was open knowledgeable and welcoming".

Charmaine and Michelle


Linda Llewellyn is a non-Indigenous woman who was born in Charters Towers and raised in Brisbane. She has returned to Townsville to be closer to grandchildren.  Linda has been a classroom and behaviour support teacher in the State, Catholic and Independent systems for approximately 30 years. She has had leadership positions in mainstream and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, particularly at Shalom Christian College in Townsville.

Linda supported pre-service teachers at James Cook University and provided training in Behaviour Support, as well as acting as the Director JCU for the RATEP program (Community-based Aboriginal and Torres-Strait Islander Teacher Education Program) in 2007.

As a consultant for Brisbane Catholic Education, Linda has developed policy in student behaviour, conducted training and provided support at the systemic, school, classroom and individual student levels. 

Currently, Linda is engaged as the PhD scholarship holder for the ARC linkage grant attached to this project. Her work examines strategies that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices identify as supporting student behaviour in the classroom. She works part-time at Shalom as a behaviour support teacher, and for Townsville Catholic Education as a mentor for beginning teachers. She also consults in behaviour support in schools.